Bowling Leagues
bowling league registration
Please send the form below to get the dates and details for a league that interests you. You can sign up as a team, couple, or individual. Please let us know who you are signing up with in the questions and comment section. We will have a representative call you to confirm and answer your questions.
Please complete the form to submit your interest in joining a bowling league. We will call you to confirm your registration or to answer your questions about signing up for a league. See below for league details or call or text the bowling desk at (610) 996-3944 for more information.
League Descriptions:
All skill levels are WELCOME in all leagues!
Lousy Bowlers League
***sign up for a league to earn 25 FREE Games!***
(receive incentive after payment for the season is complete)
4 Person Mixed Teams
The league will consist of 8 teams for a 12 week season.
Sunday at 2pm, each team will play 3 games. League Runs June 11 through August 30.
This is a Handicap league for all skill levels. You can sign up as a whole team, couples or individuals. Cost $15 per person per week. Prizes: $400 for first place, $200 for 2nd place, $100 for 3rd place
Pizza League for Children and Adults
***sign up for a league to earn 25 FREE Games!***
(receive incentive after payment for the season is complete)
This league will consist entirely of 2 person teams for a 12 week season
Your two person team should consist of one Adult and one Child or Teenager
Mondays at 6pm, each team will play 2 games. June 12 through August 31.
Cost: $25 per two-person team per week. Includes 2 games, 1 pizza and 1 pitcher of fountain beverage for each team every week. Gift Certificate Prizes for the top teams!
Adaptive League for Individuals with Disabilities
***sign up for a league to earn 25 FREE Games!***
(receive incentive after payment for the season is complete)
Four person mixed teams for a 4 week season
Thursdays at 6pm, each team will play 2 games. League Runs June 12 through July 3.
Our bowling lanes are wheelchair accessible, and we can configure lighting and furniture to best suit your needs. Children are welcome- under 16 years old should sign up with a guardian. You can sign up as a whole team, couples or individuals. Cost $15 per person per week. Shoe rental included. Gift certificate prizes for top teams.